♦  SRI SIRI PUBLISHERS is a sister organisation for STAR COLLEGE which produces the so called STAR-Q-BOOKS at Intermediate level.

♦  STAR-Q-BOOKS are student friendly Study Materials in M.P.C, Bi.P.C, and C.E.C groups.

♦  STAR-Q-BOOKS are reader friendly materials with easy language and simple steps.

♦  STAR-Q-BOOKS are crazy books among student community and Lecturer community as well.

♦  SRI SIRI PUBLISHERS produces 3 categories of books:

1. STAR-Q-STUDY MATERIALS (for all kinds of students)

2. BIG BIT BANKS (for Toppers and Rankers)

3. BULLET-Q-BOOKS (for Pass Aspirants)

Note: To get STAR-Q-Books through online, visit